Senior Division 4-Ball - Senior Division
Senior Divison Chapman - Senior Division
Pos. Team Total
To Par
T1 T2 Total
1 Jeri Krsnak / Pam Hoiland
Elmwood Golf Course, Bakker Crossing Golf Course
+13 74 83 157
2 Carmen Meyer / Lisa Schriver
Moccasin Creek Country Club
+15 77 82 159
3 Heidi Ruch / Nancy Berg
Hillsview Golf Course
+21 82 83 165
4 Joanie Carlson / Sheryl Ward
Valley View Country Club, Castlewood Golf Course
+22 83 83 166
5 Anne Fisher / Lisa Dorsey
Arrowhead Country Club, Hart Ranch Golf Course
+23 78 89 167
6 Dawn McInroy / Mary Klozenbucher
Broadland Creek Golf Course, Brandon Golf Course
+25 85 84 169
7 Gayle Varty / Jan Chambers
Golf Club at Red Rock, Hillsview Golf Course
+28 85 87 172
8 Dixie Lecy / Jean Nash
Golf Club at Red Rock
+29 87 86 173
9 Kathy Funk / Vonda Bjorklund
Meadow Creek Golf Course, Southern Hills Golf Course
+32 86 90 176
10 Patty Even / Peg Even
Central Valley Golf Club
+33 89 88 177
11 Julie Melham / Nancy Stofferahn
Central Valley Golf Club
+35 87 92 179
T12 Judy Lee / Kathleen Breuninger
Meadowbrook Golf Course
+36 85 95 180
T12 Lois Quam / Marilyn Skyberg
Bakker Crossing Golf Course, Kingsbury County Country Club
+36 90 90 180
14 Sherri Baseley / Susan Oberle
Elmwood Golf Course, The Bluffs Golf Course
+38 86 96 182
15 Patricia Lankhorst / Rita Stelzer
The Country Club of Sioux Falls, Elmwood Golf Course
+39 89 94 183
16 Karen Jensen / Lynne Merrick
Meadowbrook Golf Course, Golf Club at Red Rock
+41 89 96 185
17 Linda Humes / Romalyn Thomas
Elks 1187 Golf Course
+42 93 93 186
T18 Barbara Bacon / Eva McGlone
Meadowbrook Golf Course
+44 93 95 188
T18 Jan Jaqua / Marie Bales
Broadland Creek Golf Course
+44 94 94 188
20 Debbie Perry / Molly Jensen
Brookings Country Club
+54 97 101 198
21 Carrie DeForrest / Rose DeForrest
Hart Ranch Golf Course
+61 101 104 205
22 Diedrich Sandra / Tanya Clark
Brookings Country Club
+73 101 116 217
23 Dorene Hurd / Shari Fechner
Meadowbrook Golf Course, Rocky Knolls Golf Course
+75 109 110 219